
Posts Tagged ‘Cold’

 Sandwiches – they’re versatile, delicious and easy to make. You can take anything, slap two pieces of bread around it and pass it off as a meal. I love sandwiches!

Yesterday, while I was at coffee with a friend we encountered a rather strange sandwich. I wondered what other kind of strange sandwiches there were. How better to find out than to send a mass text to everyone I know asking what the weirdest sandwich they had ever eaten was ?

Here are some of the responses I received. Most defeated my purpose of finding a stranger sandwich than the one I was looking at. Rather, it only proved the Good Greatsby’s point that my friends are weird and creepy. Also that, not everyone appears to take me too seriously.





Finally, here’s the sandwich that I was talking about (the first one). The LGBT!

A lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgendered sandwich? That’s odd!

Okay honestly, it’s a Lettuce – Gouda – Basil – Tomato sandwich which , I don’t know, is vegetarian so it still sounds a little yucky to me.

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